Don't forget these files require a database or spreadsheet program
to allow you to look at the data. A number of people have used these
files to create on-line index searches. Use your favourite search
engine to find them. The most recent is to be found at and includes searches for Engineering in Miniature and Model engineers Workshop.
This project started as a small attempt to index my own copies of M.E. There is not much point in having a collection of magazines if you can never find anything. As the files grew I found they became an essential tool to search out articles, helpful hints etc. They also showed the value of an organised storage system. Some of you may be lucky enough to have bound copies but if not find yourself some other way of keeping the mags in order. I use cardboard magazine files. Normally three volumes fit in each file so it is very helpful to mark each file with its volume numbers and years.
Contact with other model engineers both in the UK and abroad proved that there was a need for a web based electronic index. Various people have produced indexes before, on paper, CD and available via email. As far as can be ascertained most of these are now unobtainable or incomplete. Hence this web page was started. Initially the files were an index of those issues of M.E. which I had on my shelves. The records for the few missing copies were kindly supplied by Dave Hoskin and some corrections added. This was way back in 1998.
As time went on other people contributed files and corrections. Not all the new data was compatible so we had to keep several different databases running. Then along came Chris Orchard from Northamptonshire. He volunteered to add in the missing volumes. No small job as there was about 120 volumes missing at that time. Not only has he completed that task but he has also revisited all the original work to correct errors and omissions and add in the things I didn't include like letters and book reviews. This gives a consistent style and content to all the files. A big thank you to Chris and also to the Northampton SME Ltd for allowing Chris to use their library copies of the earlier volumes to produce his files. Chris does not currently have a web site but can be contacted on "chris at" (please substitute for the " at ").
ME Index Notes
The files are encoded as .ZIP archives. This makes the files much smaller but more importantly your browser is more likely to recognise the file type and offer to save rather than try to display the contents. Most home computers whatever the operating system should be able open the ZIP archive.
When the ZIP archive is opened the files are in comma separated ASCII text. Most databases can import this and a spreadsheet can also be used to view the files. They can be imported into a word processor but this will be a very unwieldy way of looking at them.
More recent spreadsheets can open the combined file. Older versions may have a 65,000 line limit and will need to use the individual files. You will have to import them as separate worksheets and search the individual sheets.
Chris has provided some notes to assist those who wish to use the data files in Microsoft Access or Excel.
If you have Microsoft Access on your machine but are unsure how to use it to search these files have a look at this page.
I retain the right to be wrong and offer these files for personal, non-commercial use. You may copy and distribute them freely as long as their origin is acknowledged and no charge is made for them.
Copyright Notice:- Please note that the ME Indexes available from this site are copyright.
All rights unless specifically released reserved Bill Phillips and Chris Orchard 1998-2024
This is also available as a comma separated file
(3Kbytes) for adding to your database or spreadsheet
and just to complete the set there is another comma separated file (94Kbytes) whichcross references the magazine number to its issue date
Vol | Year | Vol | Year | Vol | Year | Vol | Year | Vol | Year | Vol | Year | ||||||
1 | 1898 | 41 | 1919 | 81 | 1939 | 121 | 1959 | 161 | 1988 | 201 | 2008 | ||||||
2 | 1899 | 42 | 1920 | 82 | 1940 | 122 | 1960 | 162 | 1989 | 202 | 2009 | ||||||
3 | 1900 | 43 | 1920 | 83 | 1940 | 123 | 1960 | 163 | 1989 | 203 | 2009 | ||||||
4 | 1901 | 44 | 1921 | 84 | 1941 | 124 | 1961 | 164 | 1990 | 204 | 2010 | ||||||
5 | 1901 | 45 | 1921 | 85 | 1941 | 125 | 1961 | 165 | 1990 | 205 | 2010 | ||||||
6 | 1902 | 46 | 1922 | 86 | 1942 | 126 | 1962 | 166 | 1991 | 206 | 2011 | ||||||
7 | 1902 | 47 | 1922 | 87 | 1942 | 127 | 1962 | 167 | 1991 | 207 | 2011 | ||||||
8 | 1903 | 48 | 1923 | 88 | 1943 | 128 | 1963 | 168 | 1992 | 208 | 2012 | ||||||
9 | 1903 | 49 | 1923 | 89 | 1943 | 129 | 1963 | 169 | 1992 | 209 | 2012 | ||||||
10 | 1904 | 50 | 1924 | 90 | 1944 | 130 | 1964 | 170 | 1993 | 210 | 2013 | ||||||
11 | 1904 | 51 | 1924 | 91 | 1944 | 131 | 1965 | 171 | 1993 | 211 | 2013 | ||||||
12 | 1905 | 52 | 1925 | 92 | 1945 | 132 | 1966 | 172 | 1994 | 212 | 2014 | ||||||
13 | 1905 | 53 | 1925 | 93 | 1945 | 133 | 1967 | 173 | 1994 | 213 | 2014 | ||||||
14 | 1906 | 54 | 1926 | 94 | 1946 | 134 | 1968 | 174 | 1995 | 214 | 2015 | ||||||
15 | 1906 | 55 | 1926 | 95 | 1946 | 135 | 1969 | 175 | 1995 | 215 | 2015 | ||||||
16 | 1907 | 56 | 1927 | 96 | 1947 | 136 | 1970 | 176 | 1996 | 216 | 2016 | ||||||
17 | 1907 | 57 | 1927 | 97 | 1947 | 137 | 1971 | 177 | 1996 | 217 | 2016 | ||||||
18 | 1908 | 58 | 1928 | 98 | 1948 | 138 | 1972 | 178 | 1997 | 218 | 2017 | ||||||
19 | 1908 | 59 | 1928 | 99 | 1948 | 139 | 1973 | 179 | 1997 | 219 | 2017 | ||||||
20 | 1909 | 60 | 1929 | 100 | 1949 | 140 | 1974 | 180 | 1998 | 220 | 2018 | ||||||
21 | 1909 | 61 | 1929 | 101 | 1949 | 141 | 1975 | 181 | 1998 | 221 | 2018 | ||||||
22 | 1910 | 62 | 1930 | 102 | 1950 | 142 | 1976 | 182 | 1999 | 222 | 2019 | ||||||
23 | 1910 | 63 | 1930 | 103 | 1950 | 143 | 1977 | 183 | 1999 | 223 | 2019 | ||||||
24 | 1911 | 64 | 1931 | 104 | 1951 | 144 | 1978 | 184 | 2000 | 224 | 2020 | ||||||
25 | 1911 | 65 | 1931 | 105 | 1951 | 145 | 1979 | 185 | 2000 | 225 | 2020 | ||||||
26 | 1912 | 66 | 1932 | 106 | 1952 | 146 | 1980 | 186 | 2001 | 226 | 2021 | ||||||
27 | 1912 | 67 | 1932 | 107 | 1952 | 147 | 1981 | 187 | 2001 | 227 | 2021 | ||||||
28 | 1913 | 68 | 1933 | 108 | 1953 | 148 | 1982 | 188 | 2002 | 228 | 2022 | ||||||
29 | 1913 | 69 | 1933 | 109 | 1953 | 149 | 1982 | 189 | 2002 | 229 | 2022 | ||||||
30 | 1914 | 70 | 1934 | 110 | 1954 | 150 | 1983 | 190 | 2003 | 230 | 2023 | ||||||
31 | 1914 | 71 | 1934 | 111 | 1954 | 151 | 1983 | 191 | 2003 | 231 | 2023 | ||||||
32 | 1915 | 72 | 1935 | 112 | 1955 | 152 | 1984 | 192 | 2004 | 232 | 2024 | ||||||
33 | 1915 | 73 | 1935 | 113 | 1955 | 153 | 1984 | 193 | 2004 | 233 | 2024 | ||||||
34 | 1916 | 74 | 1936 | 114 | 1956 | 154 | 1985 | 194 | 2005 | ||||||||
35 | 1916 | 75 | 1936 | 115 | 1956 | 155 | 1985 | 195 | 2005 | ||||||||
36 | 1917 | 76 | 1937 | 116 | 1957 | 156 | 1986 | 196 | 2006 | ||||||||
37 | 1917 | 77 | 1937 | 117 | 1957 | 157 | 1986 | 197 | 2006 | ||||||||
38 | 1918 | 78 | 1938 | 118 | 1958 | 158 | 1987 | 198 | 2007 | ||||||||
39 | 1918 | 79 | 1938 | 119 | 1958 | 159 | 1987 | 199 | 2007 | ||||||||
40 | 1919 | 80 | 1939 | 120 | 1959 | 160 | 1988 | 200 | 2008 |